PR team and devs, well done. You have alienated your playerbase.

Want to talk about their fix for the bullshit they started? $18 for each item after the event ends instead of $7 each for a dupe protected lootbox. It’s even worse horseshit than what was already horseshit. Can’t even get more than two after completing a grindfest from a battle pass you paid for you. Not to mention after you open the lootboxes to get the event items you then get the ability to buy the weapon skin you truly cared about but couldn’t directly buy. There’s a fucking reason why Fortnite has never gone under flame for its microtransaction system and it’sa free to play game. Apex devs are scummy cunts and they’ve been the same pricks that paid streamers to promote their game only to see after that the game dies on Twitch.

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