Practical Ways Women Can Be Allies To Men?

Okay, I can agree whole heartedly with every single point that points to toxic masculinity, but I am going to be real about how I feel with some of these —

Number one in the OP, as someone explained, I feel the same way about. Additionally, the things about “hearing out” men in op and in the comments bother me. Men are listened to far more than women overall. Are they mocked for some of the things they say when they shouldn’t be? Absolutely, and that’s a toxic masculinity issue that needs talked about more. But, overall they’re going to be listened to better far more on average. At least, cis men.

Number two, a lot of the commenters do bother me about this sub. I refrain from looking, as to not be tempted to respond— is it much better than MRA? Absolutely, by far, but I’m not going to lie and say that this sub is completely free of sexism either. The mods do a pretty good job, but I’ve seen several things towing the line— I just refrain from speaking in hopes that someone else will call them out and not infringe on their space. “‘men experience systematic issues too”— it feels like a dig at feminists who talk about systemic issues, and none of us have denied men have issues, this sounds dangerously close to “but what about the men”?!

Also, vulnerability is okay. It’s fine to be vulnerable, why are we so obsessed with constant strength as a culture? It’s OKAY TO BE VULNERABLE, saying things like “and have strength at the same time” seems like they’re holding on to the ideation that men are always strong. They’re not, and that’s okay and perfectly acceptable.

/r/AskFeminists Thread Link -