Prager Poo accidentally getting it right

Dude your mind has been so poisoned by capitalism you literally lack the imagination to come up with ANY alternative to the free market solving everything

You can't have a free market when you're dealing with things that have inelastic demand

Everyone NEEDS housing. Using a market to solve for that means landlords charge whatever the fuck they want because demand doesn't move. So you reach a point where only the wealthy can afford to purchase housing and the cycle drives itself farther and farther away from your average citizen being able to have ownership over their dwelling

It's really fucking simple. In areas where demand is inelastic (housing, food, water, healthcare) don't use markets. Everyone pays for everyone, thus everyone owns everything and then no one owns it at all. It's really weird that people argue capitalism is effective or good when it's designed to keep essentials for life hidden behind a pay wall that only a handful of people in society will ever to be able to afford

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