Pre Made Job Board generator for sidequests?

I'm playing around with the idea of giving unique NPC's quests for the party. Maybe give shop owners some favors or quests that can net the party discounts, or access to a hidden inventory

One Used Weapons dealer can identify items for the party. Only catch is, he's low on pearls, and some assholes at the port to the north are hoarding pearls trying to drive prices up. He asks the party to go steal some pearls from a warehouse.

So now their reward is free / cheap identifications. - as many as 1/2 - 1/4 of the pearls they steal.

Also, maybe try tying some quests together a bit. Bears are attacking hives at an apiary. Both the owner of the Apiary and the owner of a meadery that relies on that honey will offer you a reward for completing it, and both can be accessed in different ways.

You can always have your famous adventurers do some campaigning or going door-to-door for political candidates for extra coin.

/r/DMAcademy Thread