Pre-release of Blank Check episode on Dunkirk let's discuss the film!

Just came out from the 70mm/IMAX showing. It's definitely for me the best Nolan film since The Dark Knight. It trims away all the bad elements of Nolan and cements itself on what he's best at: vehicle action, rising tension, unique structures, driving force. It's the kind of film I'd love to see him make more of. I adore the time structure and the way music is the link between the various modes (when one of the soldiers is finally safe and the music stops it's extraordinary). You can definitely see the thing Amy Nicholson criticized about Nolan giving super obvious clues about what was going to happen, but it wasn't so bad this time around. It definitely feels less handhondly than previous ones.

I think the big dividing line will be if the experiment is enough to hold you. There just aren't fully fleshed out characters because that's not what Nolan is interested in this time. It's about driving to a single moment, all the forces that drive just one dramatic, incredible rescue. It's brilliant but if you don't care about that experiment you won't care about the film. I think Prestige and The Dark Knight will be above it for me, but I really loved it and it's great to see Nolan push his experimentation for something more artistic.

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