Precisely Bound Demons and their Behavior

Ok, so I'm way out of my league here, but I have some musings that may be really silly or something, but I'm new here, and I'm learning, and some of this stuff is waaay complex, so be nice please?

I posted part of this as a response below somewhere, but I want some feedback so I am putting it here as well...

Also, I read the AIXI-tl link, and I might understand what the AIXI is referring to, but nowhere does it specifically mention AIXI-tl... Is the "tl" something I should know from reading elsewhere?

OK, so I was musing on this world, not so much the Loop problem as much as just "how to make a kick-ass world using these demons" and i think the specific problem I'm trying to solve here is how to operationalize "happiness" or a "good world", or anything along those lines....

So, drawing from an ethics course you can get some decent approximations of a maximum happiness end state, or something like that...

I might say:

  1. "The optimum world is the world in which every member of society would agree to the social conditions, customs, rules, norms, mores, rewards, and levels of interaction. (et cetera) The members would agree on this construct of society before knowing what place/role/social class/position they are to occupy."

As in, before we are born we discuss welfare, taxes, and all other social policies and conditions, etc., and come to an agreement on them so that we will be satisfied with them no matter if we were born into a wealthy family of privilege, or the lowest class/tiers of society...

  1. Scan, using the maximum possible resolution, every single person/sentient being currently alive. (Or even every being and also every single atom, quark, etc. in the entire universe/multi verse/whatever is necessary for step 3, I'm not an expert...)

  2. Simulate 101010101010 (or whatever is more realistic/necessary/readable, a really big non-infinite number, or shit, just run it until it finds one, really) different worlds/universes/whatever, in which social policies are changed, until you discover one in which things are changed with the end result being the "Optimum World", as described in #1.

(Sorry the steps are out of order because I had to add one, and I'm on mobile, formatting is a bitch...)

  1. Design the most efficient plan to implement the changes necessary to bring about that "Optimum World" that is possible which does not significantly hurt humans in the implementation process. (Add redundancies or stipulations here to ensure he doesn't kill all but one human, or something terrible, in order to implement a world where everyone living is happy...)

  2. Present the plan, in written form, for societal leaders to review. (If we like the result, we make it happen, but we don't let the Demon do it without authorization)

  3. Present a model of this "Optimum World" for people to evaluate. If it is really the Optimum World as defined above, it should be one that everyone would support... This way everyone supports and undrstands the plan before attempting to implement it...

That seems like something you could specify mathematically, tell the Demon to simulate worlds until he finds one in which all persons would agree before knowing their role, then take steps to implement that world?

I feel like this might be too simple of a solution, but I can't see why... I can't figure out how it could be corrupted, since the basic underlying principle is that everyone would agree on it beforehand... So the Demon can't just decide that , say, Libertarianism is the apex of perfect society, since very few people would agree to that without knowing in advance that they would be in a position to thrive in that kind of society...

Thanks for reading!

/r/HPMOR Thread