Do you predict there will be an increase in the disdain towards females in the western world in the following years ?

I don't know, how do poor black men in the US feel about their female counterparts? (Or for that matter poor white men toward their female counterparts.)

I think a lot of this comes down to economics and the nature of modern societies. Men's (arguably) biological role of provider and protector has been eroded in modern advances societies. Protector? That's more or less obsolete at the relationship level. Women generally don't need a male partner to keep them safe. Provider? Well, how many men earn enough to be a good provider? Plus, may women can be their own provider now. Plus, there is welfare.

I don't know much about what MGTOWs complain about, but TRP complains a lot about cock carousel riding women who start looking for their beta bucks when they hit the wall. How much of this is due to economics? Maybe if 22 year old men were earning enough "bucks" to support a family at 22, they would be getting a 22 year old wives. Maybe nowadays it takes longer for men to reach provider status, and maybe some never reach a high level provider status.

Maybe there are some women who genuinely want to have causal sex with "alphas" until they hit the wall, but I am skeptical that this represents a large fraction of women. For one, it just seems unnatural to do this from the perspective of biology. In the absence of modern birth control, sex without commit could mean motherhood without a dedicated male. Maybe the sort of thing it might make sense to risk for a truly top end man, and even then it's not clear. A desirable woman could secure a pretty good man for commitment and have kids with him, that might be better than having the kid of a truly top end man, having him walk away, and then having the pretty good men pass her over due to her having another man's kid.

For all I know things like TRP and MGTOW are social engineering. If men wanted to be the traditional provider and protector, many of those who can no longer fulfill this role might get pretty upset, and they might direct their anger at the people at the top who have constructed this society (they might for example want to change laws or form unions or whatever would raise their wages to the point where they would be able to support a family). I wouldn't be surprised if at the fundamental level even most TRPers would prefer to have a family and be their provider and protector rather than have a bunch of arguably meaningless casual sex with different women.

TRP, MGTOW, modern feminism, might also be ways to divide us so that we can be weaker and more easily controlled. Racism seems to be going out of style these days, and maybe creating tensions between men and women is a way to keep us divided over bullshit rather than united and focused on things like higher wages and better opportunities for ordinary people.

/r/PurplePillDebate Thread