A pregnant police officer asked for "light duty" since her vest/belt don't fit over her belly. She was told to take unpaid leave and she should have planned better and saved up more sick days.

....and this is a problem? I mean, yes they maybe could handle that with more grace, but...especially not knowing the whole story...getting pregnant isn't exactly like getting cancer, you don't just get diagnosed as pregnant and your entire world collapses. You take a dick, unprotected, let him nut in you, usually more than once. And "light duty" when you're so pregnant you can't wear your gear? What the fuck are you talking about? If you actually, genuinely care about the fetus and want it to pop out of you as a baby, you don't do fucking police work, a job where you have to be armed to the teeth because people randomly kill cops for little reason other than they dont like them.

Also, you'll notice WHEN she said something. Not when she first noticed she was pregnant and knew she would have trouble in the near future. Not when she was trying. When her womb was so swollen she can't wear her uniform. That's irresponsible for her, for the force, and especially for the life form growing inside of her.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread Link - youtube.com