Preparing for Season 7 - advice?

Practice map awareness, roaming and vision control

As for map awareness, a general tip floating around this subbreddit is something like "every cs check minimap" or "every 3 seconds check minimap". This is simply bad advice for players who actually do glimpse at the minimap. If you are the type of player who looks at the minimap maybe twice during laning phase, you can use this advice.

If you constantly check your minimap every second your laning pressure will suffer. This is because every second of league is invaluable. With a second you spend looking at your minimap, you miss additional information about your lane opponent, you could've missed a free trade because you were late in responding due to your glimpse at the minimap. You could also be hit by a skillshot because you were a just a tad late in reacting because you were looking at the minimap.

I suggest in learning WHEN to look at the minimap. You don't need to be looking at the minimap when it is 6 minutes into the game and you're picking up cs under your tower. You do need to be looking at the minimap when you're csing under tower and you can be dove.

/r/summonerschool Thread