The prescription abortion pill we could have, but don’t

Do you really only care about finding things to be offended about? I don’t give a shit what manner of insult I use. An insults an insult, if you’re actually comparing the degree of offense an insult makes, you’re pretty fucking stupid and it shows that you have no regard for the content of an actual arguement. All you do is base points off of every little insignificant detail, making you think you’re intellectually superior to other people. I bet you correct people’s grammar too and consider that a major victory.

This isn’t a formal debate, therefore I don’t give a shit about my credibility.

If you’re actually smart enough to read between the lines of my polemic barrage, you might even learn a thing or two.

I don’t give a shit if you’re offended or not. It’s your choice to be offended. You can live the rest of your days in perpetual irritation for every little blip of microaggression that appears on your radar of naïve idealism.

wee ooh, wee ooh

We’ve got a cuck.

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