Preseason LCS Support Power Rankings

  1. Corejj 2A. Aphromoo 2B. Olleh
  2. Smoothie
  3. Biofrost
  4. Zeyzal
  5. Hakuho
  6. Vulcan
  7. JayJ
  8. Big

I believe olleh has proved the last few splits to be one of the best if not the best in NA at the time. I’ve seen on other subs that people have said aphromoo is overrated right now but near the end of the season when it seemed like he was inting many pros and caster have stated that if it wasn’t for him that team would be a lot worse. If zeyzal continues what he has been I could seem him being higher than smoothie and biofrost. I’ve watched the lck that last couple of seasons and if corejj plays anything like he did with ruler on gen g than the na lcs is in trouble.

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