Presenting Principal Seymour "American Healthcare" Skinner

I'm actually from Canada so I know a little more than you about "what the government running my healthcare would be like".

You know why I'm a bit butthurt about and what inspired this post? I've had to turn down more than one amazing job offer in the states because of your healthcare insanity. I work in CS, so for me pay would just about double if I moved to Cali or Seattle or hell even Texas. But 60+% of your bankruptcies are caused by medical bills, AND IN 2/3 CASES THE BANKRUPT PERSON HAD INSURANCE!

That's fucking insane, bro. Straight up nuts. I pay a mortgage dude. I have a car. I own a few things, I have investments that represent sacrifices of years past. I could lose everything if either me or my partner got ill or injured. I've been poor dude, I'm not returning to that because some dipshits want to make profits from people's illness.

I've served too, albeit not in the Navy. I hated military medical treatment too, but that's because medical officers and staff are ranking members of the forces and thus there is a conflict of interest between their duty to you as a patient and their duty to their chain of command. When you're a soldier you take shots in the arm that you don't even know what they are and you don't get a choice. You get fillings put in and you don't get a choice about what kind, or if your candy ass would like crowns or white fillings or whatever. When you're active duty you're not your own person anymore, you can get charged if you get a bad sunburn. You're not a special fucking snowflake and noone gives a shit what you want. Your comparison is beyond dumb, single-payer healthcare doesn't treat civilians like soldiers.

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