President Barack Obama issued an executive order on Monday declaring Venezuela a national security threat, sanctioning seven individuals and expressing concern about the Venezuelan government's treatment of political opponents.

Venezuela is definitely a dictatorship

No it really isn't. You're simply using the word wrong here.

Only one party has resources for elections,

This is incorrect. The MUD has the backing of the wealthy class and the backing of most private media coverage.

opposing politicians are in fear of going to jail because the government wants to and all media is controlled by them.

While it's true that a few have been jailed recently (Lopez for accusations of planning violent demonstrations and the mayor of Caracas for an alleged coup plot), it's not a common occurrence in Venezuela. Capriles nearly defeated Maduro and has yet to serve a day in jail because of his opposition.

If Venezuela were a dictatorship, do you really think that someone like Capriles would be free?

Last month 7 students were found dead with shots in the head and with handcuffes

Are you referring to this incident? This is what Maduro said in reponse to it:

“I condemn this killing,” said Maduro. “I was in Trinidad when I heard and ordered the immediate investigation and capture of those responsible, and that has been done. Those responsible for this are in custody.”

So apparently the officers responsible were arrested and an investigation immediately went forward. Quite a difference from the United States where police officers tend to kill citizens and rarely face consequences.

if votes are rigged

The opposition's claims of vote rigging was never substantiated with evidence.

if people are coerced to vote for someone

Is there reason to believe that this happened on a large scale?

Many things are not reported by international media because the reporters are afraid of going deep into stuff because of fear

So let me guess, I should just trust your claims about the overall sociopolitical system of Venezuela?

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