US President Donald Trump has accused foreign governments of extorting "unreasonably low drug prices" from pharmaceutical firms.

Outrageous! I had to pay a so called 'filling fee' which you know is just pure bullshit because 'pharmacists' want to be compensated for 'their time', well I didn't pay it my company paid for it because I 'work for them' pffft, and I got like all of the prescription 'free'.

Of course, I demanded bankruptcy, and the immediate dissolution of my 'property rights' but those ASSHOLES made me keep everything I owned and didn't even take away my family savings. Fucking communists, I got SICK. Can't they give me the basic decency of losing everything I own and throwing my loved ones into ruin and despair?! But NO. It cost me nothing. Well a little bit off a steady paycheck but since it's always been there I never really noticed on a day to day level but still. Those bastards! The absolute gall! Of waiting. For at least a half hour. During work. Which I was also paid for. FUCK!

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