President Trump to embark on first vacation — a 17-day getaway — since inauguration

Yep, this article is slanted garbage. And I don't even know what to make of this!

"In most work forces, the week end is the poeples day off from work. Going to Florida on a week end is not a vacation, it it regular days off in which him chose to spend in Florida at one of his homes. Week ends or several days at Camp David is not allows a time off. A lot of times that area is used for meeting with the Presidents in a more relaxed area. I would hate to wake up everyday and have to deal with WDC and all the people who think they can just walk in and out of his office and life at their whim. May while they replace the AC unit they can get rid of the roaches and other maintance items." - some (Russian?) lady in Florida. Who is an ardent Trump admirer.

The roaches in the White House???

It's all too much! I know WaPo keeps a running tally of his vacay days vs. days in office. The percentage of leisure to work must be extremely high. Guess he's trying to keep that battery of his fully charged! Awe, the stress of the presidency... he needs to relax on his week ends because those week end golf trips and weeks spent at Camp David don't Count. Motherfucker gets anymore relaxed he would be asleep! On second thought...

Please go on vacation Mr. President. If you don't have your health you don't have anything.

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