President TRUMP: 'Good luck to @Joy_Villa on her decision to enter the wonderful world of politics. She has many fans!'

Words are easy. How would you reform it? What could possibly do, and keep it government run? I think the only answer is privatization, but that's not going to happen soon. They see that the private system is much much, better, but nobody wants to get rid of the socialist system in heath care. "We won't sell our country. We prefer to be poor, but honest". There's still the perception in many people that somehow private means theft. 45 years of socialism will destroy the soul of a nation. Still, things are much better than when we were fool blown commies. They like to complain a lot about the criminals in the government, but still expect the government to take care of their life. As a result, most are poor as dirt. And as a private small business, you can't make it, you have to do everything you can to avoid taxes, otherwise you fail. So people game the system with every oportunity, taxes are huge. But it's improving, probably still need another 20 years to get somewhat normal economically.

One pluse side to eastern europen societies today is that nobody gives a shit about political correctness. You can say whatever you please where and when you please, whitout fear of losing your job or government persecution. It's a shame that the roles were switched, and you have way more liberty from this point of view than any western country.

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