Pretty Beautiful Cock

I never said that I thought the sub was never coming back? Maybe if you took the time to read my response and analyze it you wouldn’t be so quick to respond/shut me down, you would know that what I ACTUALLY stated was, what if I’d never came back? Or even if it did come back. It may be silly but why do you care? It’s not really that deep. All you have to do is say “no” and if you are really that pressed about it curse me out in your head I guess. I just made it FOR fun, and because I couldn’t access a subreddit that I truly liked. I thought to myself, “ well if people can’t get it on this sub maybe I can start my own and have them get it from there” it may be trivial, I may flop later down the road. Who knows what could happen, all I know it that I did it because I wanted to, not to replace or anything of the sort.

Also this is what I get when I try to load the page:

There is also no guarantee everyone will go back to using it. Another point I’d like to make before I end this debate, there are MULTIPLE subs that ultimately are the same. Hence r/dicks, r/penis, r/massivecock,I’m even sure there is an r/cock. These are just sub categories for what? Dick, Phallus, a peen. People post to multiple subs for different reactions/feedback and or validation. There is no guarantee one sub reddit will get you noticed especially if people are posting in it every 5 minutes or so.

Either thank you for the drawn out rejection. You have a great day! :)

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