Pretty excited about the games I've picked up in the past few days...

Went running around town browsing game stores over the weekend and made a few stops today. Every so often it seems like the planets align and I find games I've been wanting to buy at decent prices. Doesn't happen very often but when it does its great.

Came across a Dragon Warrior at Book Off (a store that sells books, games and other stuff) for $5. Not really a rare game or anything but the copies I've been running across lately have had horrible labels. The wait paid off as I found one with a really good label.

StarTropics along with Crystalis have been games I've been really wanting to play for a very long time and I'm happy to finally own them.

Stopped by another Book Off on the way home tonight and was about to leave when I noticed a Super Mario RPG up at the front. The employee working said they were unable to test it so they weren't 100% sure if it worked. For $5 I took a chance, works great. This game really takes me back, I remember as a kid renting it a few times and playing the hell out of it. Never owned it, though. Until today.

/r/retrogaming Thread