Pretty much sums up the two different types of people in San Francisco!

Are you off your meds or a troll?

I refer you to:

the sort of thing that makes me write you off as a juvenile mind arguing a juvenile point of view.


Not everyone who works hard at something are given the same economic freedom of others, and thats okay. I just think it's a little insane how much freedom some people are given over others.

Working hard in fields that are in demand and require more specialized education or finely skilled work offer more income - or "freedom" as you've chosen to call it - yes. No one is "giving" that income or freedom away. That's the problem; the way you choose to discuss the topic is from the standpoint that certain "freedoms" are being bestowed on some and not on others, as if it's a human rights violation. In reality, the freedom offered by higher income is one which is earned, not one which people just end up with as if it's some sort of lottery. You're arguing a reality which doesn't exist.

I work three jobs, go to school, and take care of my family and I can barely afford to make ends meet let alone eat out regularly.

I don't know anything about you or your life, and have no idea what situation you're in, how you ended up there, and what your eventual result will be. In any case, your situation is completely unrelated to the ability of other people to spend $1,000 on a meal - completely and utterly. Just like I know nothing about your life, you don't know anything about the lives of others - yet you talk about their lives and economic freedom with an air of contempt and jealousy, and with verbiage that implies that they've received some gift by sheer luck which is utterly inaccessible to you. Again, this isn't reality.

Also I didn't mention tech industry at all, but you seem awfully defensive of your own life's narrative as someone who works in a tech.

I mentioned my field in relation to addressing the way you discuss economic independence to my own background, which I in turn brought up to inform you why, on a personal level, I fundamentally disagree with you and can point to my own life story as a counter-example to your implications that "freedoms" just end up being for some people and not for others based on some random factor.

Reading your posts, I genuinely feel sorry for you. So much anger and resentment that you've let it cloud the way you think and approach a topic.

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