I was prevented by my parents to transition genders properly out of fear of 'destroying my future fertility' despite never wanting children and knowing this from an early age, and it damn near ruined my life

This is what happens when you widely advertise that puberty blockers exist. Fuck big pharma for pimping out kids (child ritualistic abuse victims) like jazz to tell other normal kids that puberty blockers are a thing. This man needed to have help and compassion preparing for puberty since it’s obviously distressing for him. Instead of being navigated through reality, he was falsely told that he could drug this away, and somehow “pass” as a woman if he drugged away his reality. I mean, this has been going on for centuries but now it’s posed as medicine :(. They used to not hide it that they were just castrating boys to make them hookers/sex slaves/lifelong freakshow performers. Now the castration is in a pill form so it’s more palatable and insidious I guess. Fuck big pharma again- this dude is going to blame his parents for life now rather than the cult he is in. How sad! It’s not his parents’ fault he was born male other than that they chose to birth him in the first place. I do think his parents were wrong to store his sperm, that’s a personal reproductive choice, but I’m surprised that the doctors didn’t care he would be sterile. It’s hard to get a tubal, ya know? His parents are strong in the face of insanity that is too bad the family fell apart over this

/r/GenderCynicalCritical Thread Link - old.reddit.com