Price is still dropping

The crypto market is unregulated. You would have known this if you actually researched before putting money in.

If that bothers you, then cash out man. Many of us see the cons to unregulated markets, we know the risks. It's why you never invest more than you can afford to lose.

Every cent I have put in, I have treated like I have already lost it. Also, I skimmed my principle after my portfolio grew a certain %. So everything I have in now. Is all house money. All my holdings could tank to 0 and in the end, I lose nothing. It was all potential profits.

This market isn't for everyone. If it's too volatile for you, that's fine man. You weren't ready for it. That's not a bad thing character wise either, you just don't feel safe.

In the end, your investment is only what you feel comfortable with. Obviously it's too much for you to lose.

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