Pride 2017

well, it sorta does tho.

Spending developing time on something that will not interfere with the gameplay experience is a waste of time.

Spend time making new cool stuff, come up with cool new ideas, Keep it a fucking game and not a social platform. Spend time fixing bugs, improving the client and i hope in the near future, increase the fucking tick rate so actions becomes rewarding if doing stuff with speed, i am talking about RS3 and OSRS here.

Putting a politically charged event is wrong and gay pride is not about love, it's about where you put your dick or cunt. Love is an attraction to another person, a willingness to go through hell for them and have the passion to stay around them, and become happy when you two are close.

Sex on the other hand is an action in order to stimulate both parts and further the human race, it usually happens cus of love, as it helps a lot to get closer to someone before being vulnerable around them, but Sex is not Love and being homo, means you are sexually attracted to the same gender.

I understand that Love and Sex can be confusing, but they are not the same thing.

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