"Primal Ancients"

I like this a lot as a casual player. It'll bring me back for a season anyway, and I've neglected the last few. Thing is, the game gets kinda lame pretty quickly when so many people get all perfect ancients so quickly. I like the idea that there's always this chance now that you actually find something that stands out, even among top players.

Of course, there will be crazy people that actually intend to farm a full set of perfect primals, who are pissed about this mucking up the ultra competitive leaderboards full of paragon bots. But for everyone else, this just adds some much needed variance to seasons imo. I honestly wouldn't mind seeing them take this further even with some incredibly rare, op items. I don't care if it turns the game into a lottery, at least it would be amusing seeing who gets what each season. It was kind of cool when some gear was actually a bit exclusive and made some people stand out, whereas nothing seems very special anymore.

The game's become too streamlined and needs some actual variance in player experience each season. They've all muddied into a series of streamlined chores that you do with totally expected outcomes. It needs to be more reactive.

/r/Diablo Thread