Prime Walkaway Momentum is Now: Use Covington and SOTU to redpill before it becomes old news. (backstory in comments)

So l returned to an ultra liberal area and the amount of brainwashed ppl is worse than l thought. Almost every time l meet someone new, it's almost like a trend to bash our Poetus. Worse, the liberal Christians are even clueless. Usually l show my discontent, but this time l decided to give an example of fake news. This person didn't know l was a Trump supporter. I acted apolitical to hear me out. l just focused on fake news which red pulled them instantly. Covington and SOTU was perfect timing. I am convinced that there are many good liberals out there but they are just misinformed. Red pilling takes steps and l believe the only way to get them to start the journey of questioning is to expose fake news.

Backstory: So as typical, this person starts bashing Trump as a racist and how he created the divide. I tried to sound unbiased and calm. I nonchalantly commented that lm not sure what to believe anymore, and it's hard to trust the news these days. They immediately reply, "Yeah what's up with Trump complaining about Fake News." I told them that l was abroad and the news l read is completely different from the US msm news, leading me to question the narrative. Then l shared about covington and how msm used a minute clip to spin the narrative. I went on to share how Dems-congress ppl, Hollywood and random social media called for the kids deaths etc. But after watching the actual full footage of the incident, it was the other group who was racist and harassing them. She was shocked. I told her how most ppl are too busy to fact check the headlines. I also shared how, given USA lobby and investor policy, most of our msm is bought out by those who don't like Trump's agenda. Example l gave was Twitter and how their major shareholder is owned by the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist prince. I also gave examples of Ben Carson, Rosa Park award with Trump. Then l memtioned about the SOTU and how Trump contradicted everything msm claimed. I gave examples of how Trump is against the 9 months post abortion (most are still appalled by this) and how protect Veritas discovered PP seeking baby parts. She looked shocked, commenting, "wow l can't imagine what other misinformed news we were listening to all this time. Now that l think about it, it is a bit contradictory how China wants to cooperate, all these business tax cuts, etc." She was moderately Christian and continues to comment how it is weird that mentioning if someone is Christian is even offensive these days and all these gender terms are confusing. We ended the discussion with me promising to send the real covington video and her planning to listen to the SOTU.

What alarmed me is that even Christians in liberal areas are completely brainwashed. Covington and SOTU came at perfect timing as news is easily forgotten. Events like this is the best way to campaign walkways for 2020 and to rid the swamp for good. I do believe many of the left are genuinely blind. This is the time to win the final war. Go go go walkaways and save humanity and America for good.

/r/The_Donald Thread Link -