Prince Harry 'boycotts' dinner with King Charles III after Meghan was 'banned'.

So is this anti-monarchy sub pro Meghan and Harry? Seems strange to me given they want their kids to have titles (Prince and princess) and Harry moaned about not getting public funding for his security.

They didn’t want to quit the monarchy, they wanted to remain working royals but somehow do this from Canada or another commonwealth country. They were forced to quit.

They’re just as much part of the monarchy as the rest so interesting to me that you’d all be supportive of them just because they stepped away from being working royals (or rather their hand was forced). They had a huge elaborate wedding and at the time didn’t flinch about the cost to the public. If they’d done something low key at the time I could maybe see them having support here.

On what basis would either of them get Netflix deals or speak at the UN other than being part of the monarchy?

I’ll admit I’m biased as I don’t like her and think she’s a huge narcissist. Everything she does is to promote her own personal brand. Ive tried to give her the benefit of the doubt but every interview she does and speech she gives where she makes herself the main subject solidifies my view.

So yes quite intriguing to me that anti-monarchy people would be pro these two.

/r/AbolishTheMonarchy Thread Link -