
Verson 2.0

Well if you make a deal with Azagog and are fairly kinky in the initial drawbacks you can run a perfect Kingdom. Only min/maxing done was land selection and changing high born race from angle to elemental for a bonus purity instead of a couple extra magic points. And with avoiding infinite loops I just did bonus and a final score.

My kingdom is the paragon of excellence across the land. Our incredible technology and magic had set us far ahead of other kingdoms giving us vast wealth and military might. There is a perpetual piece and calm resonating from the country with no body wishing their neighbors and countryman harm. As the ruler of the land, I am looked upon adoringly by both lowborn and highborn across the lands as a symbol of purity immeasurable. I have surrounded myself with many suitors of varying temperaments and personalities as well as a secret tryst with a queen of another land.

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