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I worked for a software company once that was owned by private-equity. In the time I was there:

They fired over 400 employees, many of whom had originally built the companies software, and had years of critical technical experience that we basically lost overnight.

Relocated the company's headquarters to a cheaper City, and hired exclusively young and inexperienced workers at wages that were 10 to 15% below market.

Spent millions of dollars in an effort to build a brand new platform that out largest clients were fundamentally uninterested in buying.

Overworked employees is so intensely that some of our offices had a 90% turnover rate. And not just among the general workforce, retention rates were just as bad for managers, directors, and VPs.

Had a leadership team that was so fundamentally dishonest and non-transparent, that most employees had no literally no idea what the businesses goals were from quarter to quarter. Those same leaders would often literally lie through their teeth about future rounds of layoffs and office closures at company-wide meetings.

The bottom line:

Firing workers and cannibalizing their wages to power your bonuses, all while poorly managing the business and compromising your own integrity and self-worth by lying, is not work for people with an ounce of self-respect, or vision.

Don't prostitute your conscience to garbage.

/r/u_U_Accrete_Me Thread Link -