Private health insurance - how much is your premium increasing on 1 April 2019?

Both me and she are medical doctors FWIW. She was pretty sanguine about it, if you'll excuse the pun! But she looked pale as a ghost and was pretty unsteady on her feet and lightheaded all the time, like a breeze would knock her over for the first few weeks post delivery. Thank God her hubby was on leave too, because otherwise I think it would have been unsafe to be so lightheaded at home on her own with the baby. Even if transfusion was a definite no, I think she was discharged prematurely but I recognise I'm definitely biased on this one because she's my friend!

But I've honestly lost count of how many patients I've seen in my office who would have liked to stay longer than the public system allows, so I view this as an advantage of going private because none of my girlfriends who had private obstetric care ever had a similar complaint.

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