Pro-Choice advocates of reddit, why are you pro-choice?

Because being against allowing abortions is dangerous, and the "sanctity of life" is nice, but a lie.

Abortions exist. That is an irrefutable fact, and regardless of how it's administered, an abortion can be performed. The question is "how safe do we want to make these procedures for the women that'll be getting them done?"....should it be done under the care of a trained physician that'll make her as comfortable as possible, through one of the most emotionally and physically wracking events a woman can go through? Or should we push her down the stairs and hope that does it? Maybe punch her in the stomach? Drink, smoke, n take a bunch of pills, or household chemicals and hope you can induce an abortion-like situation?

My point here is that abortions exist, and we should do everything in our power to make it as safe as possible, otherwise, desperate people will resort to desperate measures.

For your part of the argument about how life starts at conception and we're all sacred and deserving of life.....that's a novel idea, but nowhere close to the real world we live in. We can barely tolerate each other as people and are constantly thinking of ways to kill each other. If there's lives that need saving, it's ones that are stuck in war zones, or starving in countries with poor infrastructure, or corrupt governments. We have A LOT of people, here, now, on this planet, that need our help, start there.

Overpopulation is already a foreseeable problem, climate change is exacerbating problems with our food supply, water-shortages are a growing issue, and we're not getting off this rock any time soon. Being pro-choice is the safer and more responsible option, in the larger perspective.

/r/AskReddit Thread