Pro-LGBTQ+ California flag redesign

See the funni is that they're unoriginal and only know "libright = pedophiles!!!" jokes when anyone that's not stupid knows that wouldn't happen because minors can't consent, non-consensual agreements go against everything right libertarian

Sadly most people on reddit, twitter, tumblr, all these social medias you're told are bad and to avoid (for good reason usually) know next to nothing about libertarian ideologies other than it involves capitalism, guns, anarchy, and weed; which is enough to make them go crazy because they tend to conflate true free market capitalism (what libertarianism is built on) with corporatism and other similar forms of oppressive (many times state-sponsored) non-free market ideologies. That with tons of other misconceptions, unknown facts, and outright intentional fabrications by many of the people trying to paint the ideology as "evil". People also focus on one part of libertarian ideologies and criticise them while not acknowledging that all the "problems" they pointed out would be prevented/fixed by another part of the ideology. Libertarianism is an ideology constantly being ridiculed by people that know very little about it. Most of these people get most of their "facts" about libertarianism off of non-libertarians on social media. It's like if someone read misinformed far-right propaganda against socialism or liberalism or libertarianism and decided that was enough to go criticise the ideology. Which is not the way to go.

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