Pro Life

Millions of Abortions have been performed since legalization

I know that this argument won't work for you, but millions of abortions were also performed before it became legal as well. The only difference is whether the procedure is safe and done by a doctor, or dangerous and done with a coat hanger.

This is modern Eugenics and class warfare manifest

This just isn't true. While I have no doubt that some people think that way, that isn't the reason why it is legal in just about every first world country (and the ones where it's illegal or very restrictive tend to be very religious). If you need any proof, consider this:

The wealth disparity in most developing countries is enormous, the disparity in the US doesn't even hold a candle to places like Mexico or Brazil. If the eugenics argument were true, it would thus be in the best interest of the ruling elite to allow abortion, but almost all 3rd world countries don't allow abortion unless the mother's life is in danger. Instead, not allowing abortion helps keep the poor down. It helps keep poor people in a cycle of poverty that is incredibly difficult to break out of, and that's what they want. The ruling classes in those countries don't give a rat's ass about the poor, there's no way in hell that they suddenly developed morals when it came to fetuses.

Abortion doesn't harm poor people, you're forgetting that women would still be able to have children once they're ready for it.

Instead of ensuring that folks can afford to raise children in the first place

I'm actually really glad you brought this up! Many people who are pro-life don't want to help eliminate the reasons why women want to get abortions in the first place. They don't realize that organizations like planned parenthood are one of the absolute best ways to reduce the number of abortions.

the government instead incentivizes them to kill their children

This isn't true though. There's no government incentive to get an abortion. Women can give their babies up for adoption if they want to.

Forced sterilization of Black female inmates is further proof of this

Whoa, hold on, what!? Is that really true? I'm not saying it's false, but I can't believe that feminists wouldn't be screaming about this if it were true. Do you have a source? I'd like to read more about that if it's true, that genuinely would be some Nazi level eugenics.

Abortion shouldn’t be a means of birth control, and Education and livable wages need to be pushed for and debated harder than killing unborn children.

It's not really used for birth control, so much as it is a last resort. Nobody wants to get an abortion, it's an incredibly difficult decision to make. Women don't make that choice unless they feel it's necessary

I 100% agree about education and livable wages though, that would eliminate the overwhelming majority of abortions, and of those that remain, they likely have extenuating circumstances, like rape or being a minor.

At the end of the day, the crux of the issue is whether a fetus' right to life supersedes a woman's right to her own body. Personally, I think everyone's right to their own body trumps all, but I completely understand why people think there should be an exception for abortion.

Accountability is irrelevant to me, as I believe that everyone's right to their own body is inalienable, and can't be taken away under any circumstances whatsoever. Organs can't even be taken from someone who is dead unless they chose to be an organ donor while they were alive. Nobody has a right to anybody else's body, and I just can't argue that a woman should have fewer rights than someone who is dead, even if the unfortunate result means that a fetus dies. The good news is that incubation technology is getting better every day, so eventually abortion will merely mean removing a fetus and putting it in an incubator, which I think would be a win for everyone.

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