‘Pro-life’ forces send death threats to Virginia Democrats over abortion legislation

I'm sure this will be downvoted to oblivion, but this all started when Tran (while being questioned about her new abortion bill) was asked if it would allow for an abortion while a mother is in active labor (with the assumption that it was a full-term fetus/baby). Her answer was "yes" and the abortion would be allowed.

I'm an atheist and pro-choice, but you have to acknowledge that allowing the termination of a baby who would otherwise be independently viable (No significant medical intervention) is highly morally and ethically questionable. I feel that a vast majority of pro-choice individuals would agree. At least one (that I know of) bill's original supporters have recanted her support because of this grey area in the bill.

The problem is that the "pro-life" folks have latched on to it because it reaffirms their fears that all pro-choice want to do is kill babies.

/r/atheism Thread Link - thinkprogress.org