Pro-Trump, anti-lockdown protestor wants America to be more like social democratic European nation with universal healthcare

I think here immunity is the strategy everywhere. But no, it’s not about accepting that everyone will get infected. There are a lot of people who WlLL die if they get this disease. It’s not a matter of hospital capacity or available equipment/staff. Many folks will die just because the equipment or medicine to make them survive it doesn’t exist yet. Herd immunity in this case is about having enough healthy people recover from it that they can’t get it again and can’t spread it, thus acting as a sort of barrier that keeps the more vulnerable population safe. It’s been shown though that this thing spreads like such a wildfire that it’s incredibly difficult if not impossible to keep the vulnerable segregated away from those who are healthy enough to survive it. That is why telling everyone to stay home is necessary. Because even if people don’t gather in large groups, don’t hold events, don’t go to work, and respect social distancing, even with all that it will still spread really far.

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