The problem that most people have is cutting too much out and not adding enough in

Hey guys, Lately i quite read here about the discipline, the willpower, the motivation, how they are something very important and something without which we can’t achieve a success in Nofap. Now I will share with you why according to me the motivation, the will and so on are something we shouldn’t rely on in Nofap and in the life generally. When we start with something new, we are very motivated. For example, we have seen someone who has a lot benefits from Nofap, and we are motivated to get these benefits too. So, the motivation is very strong in the begging and we start the journey. But then the urges come, we relapse, than this is repeating, and again, and again and bit by bit this motivation starts to decrease, we sea that the benefits don’t come after a day or two, we relapses, the counter is back to day zero and the motivation gradually starts to fall down. Then many people believe that we must to trust to the willpower, but the problem is that the will is exhaustible resource. It can be exhausted by problems in the work, in the business, in the family and so on. After that many people believe that the next support is the discipline, but the will and the discipline are very closely related and the discipline can suffer when the will is already exhausted. So, I strongly believe that the key to the success in every single enterprise is THE HABIT. Everything which you are at the moment, every success in the,work, business, gym, family and so on is due to the habit. The will, the discipline, the motivation, they are variables, they always go up and down, they can very easily be influenced, but the habit is something very strong, it is there, you don’t think, you just do it, such as washing your tooth in the morning, for example. Independently whether something bad happened, whether you don’t have any MOTIVATION, you would just do the habit. And yes, the bad habits are very hard to be destroyed, it’s hard to change the habit to back from work and PMO and eat junk with the habit to bak at home, cook healthy, go to the gym, take a cold shower, BUT the good habits also are very hard to be destroyed. For example ask somebody who is on diet from 4,5 or 10 years to eat a pizza - he doesn’t want it. Or somebody who workout from five years to miss a day in the gym - no chance. You just have to replace the bad habit with a good habit. If u PMO in the evening just start to go to gym, to read a book, to cook a healthy food and with the time this will become a HABIT for you!

/r/NoFap Thread