The Problem With Gender Neutral Locker Rooms

No, you're just saying that we're not allowed to have rights because predators exist. Better, but not by a whole lot.

Yeah and screw how all the normal folks feel about having transgenders in our locker rooms because our feelings don't matter right? I don't care that you want to experiment or feel different and need to express it in this way. I do object to having it thrown in my face every chance you get. I object to a man who has become a woman and vice versa from using regular locker rooms because it makes folks who don't have issues uncomfortable or to put it in terms you might understand, it makes it an 'unsafe place'. Why can't you just accept separate facilities and move on with your life? You made the decision to change, you deal with the consequences. OK?

What I AM saying is that there are countless deviant men in this world who will pretend to be transgender as a means of gaining access to the people they want to exploit, namely women and children. It already happens. Just Google Jason Pomares, Norwood Smith Burnes, or Taylor Buehler for starters.

1st, screw OP for the male bashing bullshit that all predators are men. Would she include Female to Male trans folks in that sweeping generalization of men as predators and do men who become women magically get relieved of this bullshit assumption that we are all predators? It sounds to me like /u/ktrill40 is trying to say that even men who become women are predators, but I doubt she will jump to the asinine conclusion that a woman to man trans is now automatically a predator. Regardless of how she views predators and trans folks, her blanket statement about 'countless men' being predators, asserting that a majority of us are, is such utter bullshit. She should be ashamed for thinking that way, period. That would be like a man saying, most women are sluts when they are drunk, you just can't say that shit and be taken seriously.

I feel for her and I am truly sorry that she was abused, but being abused is not a license to put false information out there. For example: 3 out of every 100 rapists goes to jail? Really? Really? Does anyone actually buy that loaded BS stat? The funny thing is I looked it up on RAINN and they don't even explain how they reach that number...they also don't explain how they know that ~50% of rapes go unreported. How exactly to you measure a statisitic that has never been reported. Simple, it is conjecture, nothing more, nothing less. Personally I find it very sad that rape victim advocates feel the need to pad their numbers so much to try to gain attention and traction. It undercuts their very credibility and has the opposite effect. Kind of like when people hear others repeat that 1/4 girls in college will get raped myth. My eyes do a full back flip for that one. Same goes for the 1/4 girls will be abused as children stat. Don't you guys realize that people see right through this garbage? We know you are conflating actual rape with bad decisions and regret or under the influence etc to get to these inflated #s. By the way, saying a girl can be raped even though she is perfectly willing but drunk is pathetic. That is saying that when women are drunk they lose all self control and agency to conduct themselves. If this is true, then you have to apply the same standard to males (essentially nullifying every rape charge where a girl was intoxicated, unless she is totally passed out of course, then fuck that guy) plus you will have to extend that understanding to drunk drivers. Because a tipsy girl who willingly has sex has been 'raped' in some twisted feminists minds, we now have to let all drunk drivers off of the hook because they can't be held responsible for their actions while intoxicated. See what I mean? Take responsibility for your own actions regardless of your state of intoxication or it is a slipper slope.

While I feel a deep sense of empathy for what must be a very difficult situation for transgender people, at the beginning and end of the day, it is nothing short of negligible to instate policies that elevate the emotional comfort of a relative few over the physical safety of a large group of vulnerable people.

I agree with OP. Your feelings don't trump my rights, we shouldn't have to change to accommodate you and your choices.

But forcing trans people to out themselves every time they need to pee does expose them to violence. As for this last bit - that trans people are relatively rare compared to women and therefore women's rights matter more - do you not see the level of presumption inherent in such a statement? "I'm in a large group and by nature of that entitled to greater deference!" Guess what - I'm a woman too, and you don't seem to give much of a damn about my safety or rights.

You made the choice, you live with it now. Sorry. Whether you are a woman is a matter of perspective at this point, opinion really. In your mind you are sure, but in most people's minds you are a man with a chemical imbalance who society is coddling into thinking that what you are doing is normal when it is not. And yes, larger groups do get deference sometimes, particularly over sex. Oh and if you think people can't tell that you've changed, we can and that is why it makes us uncomfortable when you use the wrong bathroom. A third option is needed where trans men and women can go to the bathroom. You can all feel safe and comfortable in there and men and women can feel safe in our bathrooms. I don't see the problem here.

There's no way to say this without being callous as hell, but that is not my fault. I'm not there to try to make you uncomfortable, and if I'm aware you have particular sensitivity on the issue then I'll do my best to respect that. But your - again, totally understandable - fears do not negate my rights.

and it isn't everyone else's fault you decided to play mother nature and change your sex. Again you made that choice now you have to live with it. I don't think they should even allow the procedure considering how high the rate of regret and suicide is for trans people. Why on earth go through an irreversible procedure like that? Countless trans realize they were wrong or change their minds and end up just jumping off of a bridge. But back to rights, you have rights yes. Can you modify yourself to gain different sets of rights? No. Just like how I can't just randomly start saying, "Inside I am actually a Black person." then start marking African American on college applications to get the extra consideration from Affirmative Action. That is just mental illness, period.

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