Problem with If, elif, else statements

def convertor_adv():

X = input("What would you like to Convert to? (F or C or K)\n")

Y = input("What would you like to Convert from? (F or C or K)\nKeep in mind you can't convert from the same type of temperature\n")

#Celcius conversions

if X == "C" or "c" and Y == "F" or "f":

f = float(input("Enter a Temperature(F):\n"))

f1 = print(round((f - 32)*.55556),2)


elif X == "C" or "c" and Y == "K" or "K":

k = float(input("Enter a Temperature(K):\n"))

k1 =(round(k - 273.15),2)


elif X == "C" or "c" and Y == "C" or "C":

print("Invalid Input")

#Farenheit converstions

elif X == "F" or "f" and Y == "C" or "c":

c = float(input("Enter a Temperature(C):\n"))

c1 = (round((c * 1.8) + 32),2)


elif X == "F" or "f" and Y == "K" or "k":

k = float(input("Enter a Temperature(K):\n"))

k1 = round(((k - 273.15) * 9/5 + 32),2)


elif X == "F" or "f" and Y == "F" or "f":

print("Invalid Input")

#Kelvin converstions

elif X == "K" or "k" and Y == "C" or "c":

c = float(input("Enter a Temperature(C):\n"))

c1 = round((c + 273.15),2)


elif X == "K" or "k" and Y == "F" or "f":

f = float(input("Enter a Temperature(F):\n"))

f1 = round(((f - 32) * 5/9 + 273.15),2)


elif X == "K" or "k" and Y == "K" or "K":

print("invalid input")


print("Invalid Input")

return convertor_adv()


/r/learnpython Thread