Prodigy frontman Keith Flint found dead at his home aged 49

I mean, we were talking about a Londoner dying in the UK here, so... and don't make the mistake of blaming the big R on all your problems, the massive Ds you have are just as responsible for your country lying in shambles. Relentlessly butting heads won't change a thing about how fucked you are in terms of bipartisanship. Until people start talking about properly representing your interests beyond having to choose between two idiot choices, until the American voter (and many others) isn't stuck between a rock and a hard place anymore, until then you're pretty much left stranded.

"million dollars in medical bills" just sounds hilarious, to be honest. It's like a kid demanding a trillion dollars or something wild, except you have to be a bit beyond "well-off" to afford treatment, apparently.

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