Producer names

Names are tricky because nobody gives a fuck about the meaning of the name, yet if it's too generic or unmemorable, then obviously you're hindering your potential.

Keep it short, preferably under three or four syllables. Try to make it easy to pronounce and spell. Don't use "DJ" at the beginning, unless you absolutely must. Avoid using titles (Captain, Commander, Lieutenant, Professor, etc) they can come off more as novelty and can make you seem like a try-hard or someone that people won't take as seriously. Try to avoid numbers unless they can correspond as letters without looking tacky.

I say find a name that is a symbol or has a meaning to you anyway. Start with a person, place, or thing. Animal, mineral, or vegetable. Say you really fucking love Tomatoes. Combine it with a hobby or interest, say chemistry. Now combine the two.

A quick google search tells me Lycopene is the chemical and pigment responsible for the deep red color of ripe tomato fruits and tomato products. Shorten that down to "Lyco" and you have yourself a symbolized name. Grab a royalty-free stock image of the Lycopene chemical and sketch up a version of your own on paper or in Photoshop. Preferably red somewhere in there.

Thing is, you now have two problems. One, the name Lyco is likely already registered by someone (you can check here ), and two, it sounds too close to the existing producer "Tycho." And the third optional problem is it may sound too stupid to you anyway. Or maybe it sounds great, who knows. So you can further adjust it by adding or taking away letters, combining it with a second term, or by starting over entirely.

Fuck it, your new producer name is Lyco.

/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers Thread