Prof bemoans 'toxic masculine capitalism' in Disney film

"Sculos goes on to argue that just as the villagers all bear some responsibility for the Beast, so do we “all bear responsibility for the evils of a system that produces such noteworthy villains,” describing Gaston as “Martin Shkreli Mixed with Donald Trump.”

"“The more we fuel a society that demands a capitalistic mentality that privileges the commodification of life and life-sustaining goods and services, masculinity will continue to be a toxic manifestation,” he declares, calling masculinity a “social virus” that is “highly contagious.”

"Using Beauty and the Beast as a metaphor for present-day America, Sculos suggests that “transformational love” is needed to help men shed their masculinity, just as Belle’s love broke the Beast’s curse.

"We need ‘men’ to become human, perhaps not again but for the first time in history on a mass scale,” Sculos concludes. “It is not masculinity that needs to purged of its toxicity, but rather it is humanity that needs to be purged of the toxicity of corporate-barbaric masculinity.”"

"Campus Reform reached out to Sculos for an interview, but he declined, instead providing a statement giving his opinion of Campus Reform, which he insisted be printed in its entirety.

""Campus Reform is a retrograde website that traffics in white supremacy, the exploitation of working people, chauvinism, misogyny, and heterosexism—all of which combine to contribute to the reproduction of a society where men, and not few enough women, feel comfortable sexually assaulting and otherwise abusing people,” he said. “If there is a hell, there will be a special place in it for Campus Reform.""

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