Do professional developers prefer IDEs like PyCharm or editors like Sublime for Python

Ah, but can I open a terminal session of pycharm pointed to the same daemon backend that's powering my GUI session and have access to all of my open files immediately? Can I send a snippet or whole file to an interactive session with a keypress? Will putting in a call to pdb & running the file automatically open a new pane to show me the place in code where the debugger is executing as I step through my program? Can I modify every keybinding? Can I open a Bash file in the same editor and have sane settings for Bash? And then for my Dockerfile? And then for a little HTML? Does pycharm have a complete vim emulation layer? A package manager for installing plugins? A completely customizable GUI AND TUI? Integration with git and ack/ag/grep for searching for keywords throughout my project, checking in changes, viewing diffs, and stepping through version history to visually watch how a file was changed? Jump-to-definition? Automatic whitespace cleanup? Virtualenv integration?

It might have some of these things. It might even do a few python specific things better. But I drop my emacs config on a machine and I'm ready to go in every language I know, with the power of an IDE specific for whatever language I'm writing today, be it Bash or Python or Go or HTML/JS or C or C++ and on and on.

Check out if you've never tried emacs. It's a lot more than an editor or even an IDE, and the Python layer is awesome by default and fully configurable. And the community is active and will answer questions on Gitter. And emacs is FLOSS and it's been around for 30 years and still has a vibrant community. There is no competition.

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