Professor sues over rebuke for calling female transgender student ‘sir'

When your citation for your medical data is an entertainment podcast hosted by Joe Rogan, there is reason to be sarcastic.

When the discussion moves into the territory of invalidating trans people's experiences and desires by saying they're delusional and explicitly calling on others to disregard their gender identity as a delusion, or when you use dehumanizing language like calling people "it", you're not in the realm of rational discussion of issues. You've moved pretty clearly into "uneducated bigotry" territory.

If you're going to cite Joe Rogan's podcast for reasons "a trans" shouldn't be able to access the medically preferred method of treatment, solely because you don't understand the issue or the relevant research in the field, and you think your opinion is relevant to the lives and personal decisions of trans people, then people are going to respond by (accurately) calling you an uneducated bigot.

If you have something valuable to contribute, you are very welcome to do so. But proclaiming "I don't understand why people chose to do this, therefore they must be delusional and shouldn't be allowed to do this to their bodies" is not valuable.

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