Profile Review - Week of April 23, 2019

Lolz.... you see a big ego works. The more crap you get off of you, the bigger your ego gets, and egos get chicks...fact of life.

But, stay humble, and be empathetic. Build that ego by having a genuine conversation with the next 10 homeless people you meet. Try to make their whole day! ...self-initiated altruism builds you faster than anything. Be selfless with them, then let yourself feel good about yourself privately after. I almost feel guilty each time I help someone, because of the huge benefit I get in return...being selfless...makes you the fucking man. Most of the homeless people in my area know me now, just cause I asked them about their day and how they were doing, and then listened and listened and listened. Give them a small name-brand cologne if you can afford it, and tell you and they are the same, but you figured it was easier for you go buy things right now than it would be for them, so don't worry about it. You both may almost cry. Then you know... your worth, and you kinda gotta keep doing stuff like that...and then nobody can fucking touch you. There's not an insult in the book that could make me feel bad about myself, so I'm fucking confident, and can have the opportunity to nail a billionnaire, because i'm kind and empathetic and funny with her and don't give two shits about myself, I'm all about HER wants and HER needs (to talk to someone who didn't care about her cloak money, but just thought she was beautiful)<----- that will work on any girl... look under their facade and see the real them, then you can fuck them whenever you want, but be kind, and don't exploit them or let them fall in love with you.

/r/Tinder Thread Parent