$PROG Bullish

I'm a huge $PROG supporter but this TrueXDemon guys is massively annoying. He is a newer trader (which is fine) but if you look back at his older tweets he posted all kinds of incorrect information. After he got into our discord server he started taking our DD and information and then tweeting it like it was his own. He acts like he is a professional but he has no clue about a lot of market mechanics and it has been interesting to watch him change his story as he's grown over the past 2 months. He just really annoys me especially for stealing other people's DD. He's also created a lot of FUD with improper explanations, dates, and price targets.

I wish people would stop treating him like some kind of guru. He isn't. Please stop posting his information. I guarantee you when he pulls a newb move all of his followers will suffer.

And just to clarify, I am huge into $PROG and have been in it since $1.60 and am not selling anytime soon.

TL;DR: Stop posting this TruexDemon fake guru bullshit. He is a copycat clown.

/r/Shortsqueeze Thread Link - i.redd.it