A program I made back on 2014B is not working. I'm receiving "index exceeds matrix" which doesn't make since to me, since nothing has changed in my dimensions. Is there some specific update from 2014 to 2016 that I should pay attention to?

%% Simulation Project % Bradley Peckinpaugh % Section T4 % 4/15/2014 %% Main Function %the objective of this function is to import data from %a given file with information on a set of planets/moons %then create a simulation of how the gravity of each planet/moon %would effect each other with their given postions,velocitys, mass, etc function project3(FileName) if nargin ==0 %if no initial inputs are made it prompts for a txt file to be selected FileName =(uigetfile('*.txt', 'Select a file')); end out = importdata(FileName); %imports the txt file selected into matlab

FileTitle = out.textdata(1,1); %pulls out the title of the file from the text data for later use

mass =out.data(:,2); %pulls out the mass of each planet from the data file mass_scale = textscan(out.textdata{5,1},'%f'); %pulls out the mass scale factor from the text data mass = mass_scale{1}.*mass; %multiplies the mass scale factor by the mass

pos = out.data(:,3:5); %pulls out the initial position of the planets from the data file pos_scale = textscan(out.textdata{6,1},'%f'); %pulls out the position scale factor from the text data pos = pos_scale{1}.*pos; %multiplies the position scale factor by the positions

G = textscan(out.textdata{2,1},'%f'); %pulls out the gravitational constant from the text data G = G{1}; %changes the gravitational cell to a variable

vel = out.data(:,6:8); %pulls out the initial velocity data vel_scale = textscan(out.textdata{7,1},'%f'); %pulls out the velocity scale factor from the text data vel = vel_scale{1}.*vel; %multiplies the velocity scale factor by the initial velocities

colors = out.textdata(11:end,2); %pulls out the colors of the planets from the text data

max = textscan(out.textdata{8,1},'%f'); %pulls out the "max" axis limitations from the text data max = max{1}; max = pos_scale{1}.*max; %multiplies the positions scale factor by the axis limitations

a = accel(G,mass,pos); %finds the intial accelerations based on the given Gravitational constant,mass,and initial positions

dt = textscan(out.textdata{3,1},'%f'); %pulls out the change in time from the text data dt = dt{1};

path = zeros(length(mass),3,0); % creates an array of zeros for the same amount of rows as planets % and the 3 coloumns long for the path following the planets

step = textscan(out.textdata{4,1},'%f'); %pulls out the step in calculations from the text data step = step{1};

radius = out.data(:,1); %pulls out the radius size for the planets from the data

n=0; count=0; fignewton = figure; %opens a figure while ishandle(fignewton) %runs a while loop the entire time the figure is open. Ends when closed new_a = accel(G,mass,pos); %calls on the acceleration function to calc new accelerations vel = velocity(vel,new_a,a,dt); %calls on velocity function to calc new velocity based on previous calculations new_r = position(pos,vel,a,dt); %calls on position function to calc new position based on new calculations

pos = new_r; %assigns new postions to old to keep loop calculating correctly pos = centerofmass(mass,pos); %calls on the center of mass function to keep position of everything centered a = new_a; %assigns new acceleration to old to keep loop calculating correctly

n=n+dt; %adds the change in time up starting at 0 to appear in title later count =count +1; %counts the number of time the loop has run by adding 1 each time

if count==step %if the amount of iterations loop has ran is equal to step size it plots the position of the planets path(:,:,end+1) = pos ; %makes the path array equal to the position of the planets to keep line tracing path showplot(pos,path,colors,max,radius,n,FileTitle); %calls on the showplot function to plot all the planets and paths count=0; %starts the iteration count back at zero end end

end %% Acceleration Function %The objective of this function is calculate the accleration of %of each of the planets/moon given their mass and position (pos) %and the gravitational constant (G) function [a] = accel(G,mass,pos) a = zeros(length(mass),3); %creates an array of zeros for %for the starting acceleration %of the calculation for i = 1:length(mass)%runs a for loop the number of planets given for j = 1:length(mass) %runs a for loop for the same as previous if i==j %if the loops are in the same location they continue continue end r = pos(j,:)-pos(i,:); %calculates the differences %in vector position for all the %planets/moons posmag = norm(r); %finds the magnitude of distances %with respect to each other a(i,:) = a(i,:)+G.mass(j).r./posmag.3; %uses the found calculations to plug into Newton's law of %Gravitation end

end end %% New Position Function %objective of function is to calculate the new position %of the planets based on the calculated acceleration, calculated/given %positions, the calculated/given velocity, and the given time step function [new_r] = position(pos,vel,a,dt) new_r = pos+vel.dt+.5.a.*dt.2; %plugs in previous position (pos), velocity (vel), acceleration (a), and %time step (dt)


%% New Velocity Function %objective is to calculate the new velocity of the planets/moons based on %their previous veloctiy (vel), previous acceleration (a), %new acceleration (new_a), and the time step (dt) function [new_v] = velocity(vel,new_a,a,dt) new_v = vel+.5.(new_a+a).dt; %the given equation to solve for new velocity end

%% Plot Function %The objective of this function is plot all of the planets/moons %along with their paths they have traveled. function showplot(pos,path,colors,max,radius,n,FileTitle) [nr ns] = size(pos); %creates an array the same size as pos clf %clears the figure before reploting hold on %keeps both plots (planets&paths) on the same figure

for i = 1:nr %loop runs same size of pos and that plots objects

%plots the plantets with the given radius for markersize,
%the given color for markerfacecolor and markeredgecolor


%creates a string that uses the file title on one line %and the current time ran on the second line String =sprintf(' %s \n Time %.1f',FileTitle{1},n);

%sets the background color of the figure to black set(1,'color','k')

%uses the string created as the title written in white title(String,'color','w' ) ;

%sets the axis mins and max to given "max" from the file axis([-max max -max max]);

%sets x & y as the first and second % numbers of the array for paths created above x = path(i,1,:); y = path(i,2,:);

%plots the paths of the planets with the matching color

z= plot(squeeze(x),squeeze(y),colors{i});

%turns the grid on the plotting figure off grid off

%turns the axis on the plotting figure off axis off

end %updates the figure after the above for loop has ran drawnow end

%% Center of mass Function % Objective of this function is to create a center of % of mass for the planets to orbit around and be used to center %everything function pos = centerofmass(mass,pos) %calculates the x,y,and z postions for the center of mass by %taking the dot product of the mass and position and dividing %by the sum of the masses cx = dot(mass,pos(:,1))/sum(mass); cy = dot(mass,pos(:,2))/sum(mass); cz = dot(mass,pos(:,3))/sum(mass);

%calculates the differences of the x,y, and z of the postions %and the center of mass pos(:,1) = pos(:,1)-cx;
pos(:,2) = pos(:,2)-cy;
pos(:,3) = pos(:,3)-cz;

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