Project Scorpio as part of XboxOne family all your games will work, no Scorpio exclusives.

is this a joke, or did everyone smoke much better weed than me?

what happens with every generation? none of them get cut off. the last generation still works. still gets the games. and the new generation suffers for a few years while we have to baby the last generation. finally after three years, people seem to be doing buying half-baked games on the 360 and realize they are missing much content on the xbox one based games.

if anyone honestly thinks they are going to keep scorpio games dumbed down to play on the x1 forever, they are dreaming.

watching the after show interview with shannon, she already hinted at this. her facial expressions showed more, but all i have is a few quotes from another interview that said pretty much the same thing as this e3 interview.

Some developers may choose to implement the very high-end 4K--and I really hope that they do," Loftis said. "But all the games being made right now will run on Scorpio. We're promising forward and backward compatibility. It's hardware innovation without compromising compatibility."

Pressed further on whether or not there might be Scorpio-only games, Loftis said, "I don't know about that. It's up to the game development community; what do they want to do."

two points are key here. this is the good ol' "its 19.99, not TWENTY DOLLARS!!" shit. "all games being made RIGHT NOW will run on scorpio" very good wording right there. makes it sound like the old systems wont be trashed, but smarter people will see inbetween lines, and realize thats exactly what she's saying.

"i dont know about that. its up to the game development community. thats their choice" this pretty much puts it in the coffin. do i think a lot of x1 games will work on scorpio? hell yeah. but at some point, theres a cut off. apparently from scorpio developer camios, they are cumming in their tight urban outfitter jeans at the thought of MOAR POWA!!!!.

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