Proof Biden is an awful father. Sorry, Fox-style typo. Proof Biden is an amazing father.

I sorted these comments by controversial, opening every top-level comment. My scrollbar is halfway down the page and I have yet to see a single link backing up any of this shit. In principle it is a good idea to give these people making these claims a moment of your time and a fair shake about these accusations but the fact is when it comes time to put up or shut up they choose shut up almost every time because they know their sources are twitter threads from
@ Firstname_Bunchanumbers or random facebook group posts. If this were about Ivanka or Donald Junior these comments would be awash with blue and purple texts.

Not even saying this stuff is bullshit; I am willing to entertain the idea that a fair amount of it might be true (because nobody who survives in Washington for 40+ years is completely clean), just that the people who keep bringing it up are absolute dogshit at tracking down enough sources to make a persuasive argument for taking any of it seriously.

/r/WhitePeopleTwitter Thread Parent Link -