A Proposition To The MTG Community

Even with the money going to an LGS, I can't justify spending hundreds of dollars on 12 booster packs for alternate art and foils. And I'm someone who bought over a box of the Shards of Alara special edition because it was reasonably priced for what it was. Historically, alternate art has been widely accessible. Not every alternate art is accessible, but vast majority of people can justify spending a few bucks on an alternate art or a promo they enjoy. Many of the alternate arts from Throne of the Eldraine Collector's Edition are pre-ordering at $250 each. Obviously the price will drop, but that's an insane price difference. To place alternate art into its own Collector's Edition at a steep price sets the precedent that alternate art costs significantly more across the board and is only accessible to those willing to pay the steep price.

/r/magicTCG Thread Parent