We protested and Soundcloud listened

It is, but whats terrible for consumers and what's terrible for business's are two very different things. Platforms survive by being monopolies. Youtube is a great example of that. Never has turned a profit. It does try but its primary goal is to maintain its monopoly. Twitch is another smaller example of a monopoly. Youtube has a monopoly as a video platform but Twitch has a monopoly as a live video platform. This allows the business to do things consumers hate but won't or can't leave the platform because of. That's where its bad for consumers. Comcast is a shining example of it. People hate Comcast with a burning passion but because of the monopoly the company has they can do some extremely anti-consumer things and generally ignore the widespread outrage it causes. In fact, monopolies even cause companies to measure things differently. Instead of feedback from a consumer they use data to analyze behavior and make decisions based on behavior analytics in place of consumer feedback because behavior and feedback can drift far far apart. This is why its critical that governments work on breaking monopolies up and putting anti-monopoly laws in place. Monopolies create an unfair advantage at the cost of consumer satisfaction.

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