Protestors blocking 45th and University, during rush hour. This intersection is one of the main ambulance routes for both UW Med Center and Seattle Children's Hospital.

I guess I do believe that there is a higher rate of police violence against PoCs and also that PoCs are more likely to be targeted.

First of all the term "People of color" is misleading. Technically anybody who isn't white can fall into that category, so that means Asian's can be considered people of color yet it isn't Asians who are being targeted by police.

In fact the crime rate and arrest rate for Asians is lower than it is for whites. The rate of white people being targeted by police is higher than it is for Asians.

So using brilliant non sequitur reasoning liberals love using, it should follow that whites are being oppressed and Asians have some sort of Asian privilege right? It couldn't possibly be the case that Asians are targeted less by police and are arrested at lower rates because Asians have a lower crime rate than whites.

That can't be possible because the unspeakable truth to liberals is that the races commit crimes at different rates. This is a racist belief, who cares about all the empirical evidence that supports it. It's racist therefore it isn't true, and no that isn't an ad hominem fallacy either reasons

Why are blacks arrested at higher rates than whites and why are they targeted at higher rates by police more than whites? It couldn't possibly be because blacks commit crimes at a higher rate. That's obviously a racist claim so therefore it's false even if there's a truckload of empirical evidence supporting it.

Also before anyone pulls the "arrest statistics are racist so they are flawed" line, nope I'm not using arrest statistics. Go look up something called the Crime Victimization Survey that is conducted by the Department of Justice. It has an enormous sample size (I believe it's 100,000 if memory serves me right) and it doesn't incorporate arrest statistics. Guess what they find, blacks have a higher crime rate than whites.

I'll wait for someone to bring up the drug use versus drug arrest rate of the races to prove me wrong, cause I have a rebuttal for that too.

Or you could just call me a racist, how dare I base my opinions off of empirical evidence instead of unquestioned a priori dogmas!

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