You have provoked a gang war

ok ur really fucking ignorant so I just copy pasted this about why 1.8 players hate 1.9

It's hated because

a) Its shit

b) It doesn't cater to a lot of old playstyles that are catered to by 1.8 pvp, such as fishing rods, block spamming, and using other utilities without having to wait for your sword to end its cooldown. While this is kind of dealt with using the offhand, the offhand can be very restrictive as it is almost necessary in most scenarios to use a shield or totem of undying in this slot as opposed to a better utility.

c) The new mechanics straight up make no sense. Armor, protection, and sharpness was nerfed yet power stayed the same, making non-bow fights very tedious and long-lasting. Axes are ridiculously overpowered. Arrows travel unpredictably when shot in the air. The new health regeneration mechanic for full saturation can be abused very easily, and fights can just go to the player with the most food or armor as they can outtank attacks. (the exception to this is UHC, I like 1.8 UHC better than 1.9 as the pvp is actually fun, PvE is harder in 1.9, and the ultra regeneration thing is fucking stupid )

d) It just isn't as skill-oriented, in my honest opinion as 1.8 pvp. Sure, you have to be accurate with your clicks, but as I mentioned a little bit earlier, 1.8 pvp is much more versatile and smooth than 1.9+ pvp. A lot of 1.9+ pvp fights are just straight up swinging swords and axes at each other until someone dies because of their inferior gear, while in 1.8 pvp it is very much easier to use utilities to your advantage to outplay someone who is more geared or get crazy combos on someone who is equally geared.

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